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SLER2025 programme

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Knowledge is Power

Our conference is where leaders and innovators meet to share, inspire and network. We’re proud to host some of the most well-known and influential voices in the field.

This year’s schedule is packed with exceptional lectures, and sessions. 

The programme is being updated and last-minute changes due to the presenters' availability might occur.

DAY 1  -    Saturday 22 February 2025


9.15-9.50  Conference registration – Welcome Coffee

9.50-10.00 Opening statements - Dr Paschalis Chliaras ( #SLER2025 Chair)


10.00-11.00  Keynote speaker - Dr Athanassios Karassimos (Assistant Professor, Department of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Presentation topic: ​From Game Over to Game Changer: the art of balancing between board games and educational technology

11.00-11.30 Angeliki Voreopoulou (M.Ed in TEFL, University of Bristol, UK  and  MSc in Immersive Technologies - Innovation in Education, Training and Game Design, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)

Presentation topic: Integrating Augmented Reality in creative storywriting for English language learning.


11.30-12.00 Dr Lilit Sargsyan (Associate Professor & Teacher Trainer, Yerevan State University, Armenia)

Presentation topic:  ​Developing Critical Thinking and Collaboration through AI-Powered PBL


12.00-12.30 Dr. Yasamiyan Alolaywi (Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia)

Presentation topic: The Role of AI in Enhancing Language Assessment Practices


12.30-13.00  Coffee break

13.00-13.30 Dr Sashka Jovanovska (Assistant Professor, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia

Presentation topic: ​Application of Artificial Intelligence in Foreign Language Learning

13.30-14.00 Stephanny Julieth Pulido Núñez (M.Ed. in TESOL, International University of La Rioja, Spain, and B.A. in Basic Education with a Focus on Human Sciences: English and Spanish, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogota, Colombia)

Presentation topic: AI Prompt Framework for EFL Teachers: A Guide to Using ChatGPT for Enhancing, Generating, and Evaluating CEFR-Aligned Writing Lesson Plans.


14.00-15.00 Lunch break

​15.00-15.50 Haido Fanara (EFL teacher, American Farm School, Thessaloniki, Greece)

Presentation topic: Deduce it like Sherlock!: AI meets Literature in the EFL classroom

15.50-16.20 Dr Rita Szaszkó (Associate Professor, Head of Department of Languages &  Art Education  at Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Jászberény Campus, Hungary), Dr Renáta Bernhardt (Associate Professor,  Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Jászberény Campus, Hungary) and Dr Laura Furcsa (College Assistant Professor at Budapest Business University, Department of Communication, Hungary )

Presentation topic: Benefits of efficient communication skills at the social level

16.20-16.50  Alevizou Konstantina (MA in Applied Linguistics, Hellenic American University) and Frantzeskaki Evdoxia (PhD student, University of Cyprus, Cyprus)

Presentation topic: Fostering Multilingual Proficiency: Trilingualism in Greek Primary Schools. The case of children with learning disabilities.

16.50 - 17.35  Discussion panel  Subject: AI and education today and tomorrow

17.35 - 18.05 Dr Maria Teresa Martinez Garcia (Associate Professor, University of Valladolid, Spain)

Presentation topic: ​From Research to the Classroom: Orthographic Effects in Speech Word Recognition

18.05 Closing remarks


DAY 2    -       Sunday 23 February 2025

9.15-9.50  Conference registration – Welcome Coffee

9.50-10.00 Opening statements - Dr Paschalis Chliaras ( #SLER2025 Chair)


10.00-11.00  Keynote speaker - Prof Marina Mattheoudakis (Professor in Applied Linguistics, School of English
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Presentation topic:  Reimagining foreign language education in the 21st century: Content as a catalyst for language learning


11.00 - 11.30  A commemorative plaque as a token of our appreciation and gratitude will be given to Prof Marina Mattheoudakis. This plaque symbolises the remarkable role she has played and the positive influence she has had on her students and colleagues as well on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.

11.30-12.00 Guest Speaker

12.00-12.30 Vasiliki Vlachou (M.Ed. in TESOL, Hellenic Open University and M.Ed. in Analysis and Teaching of the First and Second/ Foreign Language, University of the Aegean, Greece)

Presentation topic: ​Τhe Phenomenon of Allomorphy in English: Descriptive Approach and Teaching Implementations using Corpora and other Technologies. 


12.30-13.00  Coffee break

13.00-13.30 Dr. Muhammad Afzaal (Associate Professor, Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University, China)

Presentation topic: Testing Theory-Based Grammatical Complexity Models on the Writings of Engineering Students: A corpus-based study

​13.30-14.00 Mag.a Anches Meder (M.A., Freelancer, Institution: Austrian language Company, Austra)

Presentation topic: Challenges Of In-Company English Training From A Teacher’s Perspective


14.00-15.00 Lunch break

15.00-15.30 Francesco Michael Scaringella (PhD in Linguistic, Literary and Intercultural Studies in European and Extra-European Perspectives, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy)

Presentation topic: ​ELT in Chinese General Senior High School: An Analysis of Chinese ELT Textbooks

15.30-16.00 Stefania Vlachou (M.Ed. in TESOL, Hellenic Open University and M.Ed in Analysis and Teaching of the First and Second/ Foreign Language, University of the Aegean, Greece)

Presentation topic: Teaching English Idioms to Greek School-Aged Learners: Evaluating Comparatively The Use (vs. Lack of Use) of Digital Tools

16.00-17.00 Aicha Rahal (PhD student at Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Hungary)

Presentation topic: A ‘New’ Internationalization Policy for English for Academic Research

17.00 Closing remarks

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